Friday, April 22, 2011

There's Safety in Numbers--IF the Other Numbers are Smaller and Slower

Right now I'm staring at a cannibal bunny Easter card and wishing the idea had been mine. Not the cannibalism part because people taste funny (it's true look it up if you don't believe me), but the bunny gone bad part.  I can imagine hundreds of bad bunny themed cards filling the shelves of the supermarket.  "Move over bread," the manager shouts, "a whole new line of bunnies in bustiers has arrived."  I wouldn't use real rabbits only stuffed ones.  Anyone who has ever tried to take a picture of their pet knows they all become divas with "artistic demands" as soon as they see a camera.  Yep, make your life easier and stick with stuffed animals.  Not that shooting a real bear wasn't fun, but the salmon bill was outrageous. 

The Props Wing
It's been a shooting week with very little writing being done.  It just felt like a good week to try and knock out some of the art program and let the writing age a little.  Writing is always better when it's allowed to age.  Not too much aging or they don't get finished, but just enough aging to gain a little perspective to see what's working and what's not working.  You know what's not working?  Sentences bumping into the picture after like six words.  I'll do it differently next time.

You know what else I'll do differently next time?  Use non-flammable glue.  Do you see the white can on the small table in the middle of the room?  It contains sticky, highly flammable stuff that turns hours of work into ash.  It has potential for fun in imaginative hands (I'm thinking a flaming fire hydrant would make a great picture or a flaming chocolate bunny).

Did you notice how easy I've made it for you to follow me on Twitter?  You're now just a click away from minute-by-minute Jotsalot updates.  Still don't think you're getting enough of us?  You can now like Jotsalot Media LLC on Facebook.  Cool, right?


  1. Handsome studio, that.
    Also, I see that what we've always known is proving to be true: you've got a particular twitter talent. Yee and ha.

  2. Who knew? The perfect match of typing skills and attention span. Born to Tweet!
