Friday, July 15, 2011


I knew in my heart I hadn't created a new word, but I didn't think it would actually be in the dictionary. Be assured this post will have nothing to do with the title and, in fact, I would change it if I weren't so darned curious about how many extra hits I'll get.

Hello Malaysia, how are you? Thank you for dropping by every week.

All of you have heard, read or discovered (lucky you) that "thoughts become things," right? I'll share with you why I truly believe. I sought the help of a shrink to sort out some issues. Who hadn't guessed I needed professional help? Anyone? Now, I happened upon the only shrink in Montana, or probably anywhere else in the World, that began his career as an accountant, earned his MBA and then went back to school to become a psychologist. I like diversity and divergency so I took his experience as an asset. Ever on the lookout for new ways to avoid discussing feelings, I asked him how he went from business to psychology.

He worked at an ag products conglomerate and one of his duties was teaching free business classes to farmers and ranchers. Being at heart a business man he was always trying to decode why one farm prospered and another barely survived. He'd looked for the answer for several years until one day he saw two farms right across the road from each other and one looked very prosperous and the other was just kind of there.  Both farms had the same topography, acreage, soil, sun, rain, crops, prices for crops whatever they were identical in every way except prosperity. His curiosity compelled him to stop and fate had it the prosperous farmer had been attending the free classes. They got to talking and the farmer glowed when he talked about his farm and how it was putting his kids through college, and they were planning to come home and take it over and some day his grandchildren would own it etc. Shrink met the farmer across the road and Farmer B said just the opposite. His kids wanted nothing to do with farming, nobody ever got rich farming, it is what it is etc.

My former psychologist works almost entirely with corporate clients (only taking "unique and challenging" private patients for fun) and, to get to the end, the consistent difference between prosperity and failure, in every business, is attitude and vision.

This post's Trivia Challenge: How many times did I change tenses mid-stream?
Here's a token graphic.


  1. It's a true story. Here's the funniest joke ever. You'll probably want something to blow through your nose. I suggest low sodium V-8.

    Toby walks into a bar and the bartender says, "You're the cutest dog ever but we don't serve Scotties." And Toby says, "That's okay. I'll have a greyhound."

  2. Oh, that reminds me of the joke A. just told me. The joke I'm reminded of but can't quite remember exactly. It's the exactly part that counts in a joke.

    Hey. I already knew this story, but I'd like to say I think you wrote it beauuuutifully!

  3. @Cris: I know I told you this and I wish I'd figured out how to post a video because I hate trying to retell other people's stories on paper. I can tell them. but not type them or I just don't like to. If anyone reading this needs a more familiar example think of a batter's slump. The bat is the same. The ball is the same. The rules are the same. The only thing that's changed is between the player's ears. One day he THINKS he can hit and the next day he DECIDES he can't.
