Friday, March 25, 2011

Crawl Toddle Walk

We celebrated Jotsalot's first birthday by doing our taxes.  The Marketing and PR Departments thought huddling in a dark corner over pitchers and wings was the way to celebrate, but I'm the boss.  Maybe not the brains, but the boss.

Thank goodness the Plasma Sales Division generated pure profit because the Publishing and Companionship Sales Divisions were--cute.  Not puppy cuddly cute, gum will hide the tequila breath cute.   Not too bad for a first year, although I really expected to have more to show people like. . .um. . . something.

Many of  you received the inaugural marketing ploy t-shirt with corporate tramp stamp.  I did invent the corporate tramp stamp and I'm really hoping that will lift the company into the black.  I'm not pinning my hopes on it, though.  You pin hopes on lottery tickets and rich widows who like tequila.  The corporate tramp stamp is a well thought out plan for the future just ask Ms M.

Technically the first year was a learning experience on so many unsharable levels.  I understand a lot more and have a more defined vision for the business.  I think focus will help.

That's all there is from Jotsalot this week.

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