Friday, February 25, 2011

The Business Plan aka The Anal-Retentive's Procrastination Guide

The richest man who ever lived wrote, "Without a vision The Minions will spend a lot of time on Facebook."

I decided this week was a good one to define the corporate vision beyond just Ka-CH$NG!  We needed plans for our products.  Production plans, marketing plans, distribution plans, suitcases of cash to Switzerland plans.  All these plans required steps, steps required deadlines and deadlines required a calendar.  The good news is we now have a plan, on the wall, of every minute of every day for the next year.  I even inked in blog updates and haircuts.  Now the questions of what? and when? will never be uttered around here again. 

That being said. . .

Have you noticed it's easier to write while painting?  Taking a walk or playing with cameras works for me too.  What is it about not sitting purposefully at my kitchen table that allows me to get more done?  It's like I have to sneak up on writing to do it.  Good thing I have Timpkins and The Minions to do the creative heavy lifting.

I'm still blaming the weather.

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