Friday, February 18, 2011

The Vice of Virtues

A horrible, confusing and largely cloudy week in the office.  That emotional weather report brought to you courtesy of Any Excuse in a Storm.

This week I explored the gray areas of vices, virtues and how to organize a book where forgiveness appears as both.  Do I play Webster and list by word or cling to having vice and virtue sections?  If forgiveness is both, how to illustrate?  And, why didn't I stick with being a busboy?  There's a question keeping me up at night.  I was really good at it and loved the free food.  I'm vamping now because it moves the cursor along until just maybe it bumps into the idea I'm searching for. . .and. . . nothing.  I'm thinking a little practical procrastination might help the process.  I'll do that when I'm done with this.

The movie division of Jotsalot Media is working on a screenplay or rather one of five depending on Mr B's mood.  I would prefer he finish the one on the drawing board, but he seems inspired by an animated script featuring a dancing pig.  I'm the boss in title, but The Minions only obey inspiration and mood.  Is obedience a vice or a virtue?  Timpkins didn't write anything on the subject and, if she does, she'll probably make it both to torment me.  For Timpkins being a smartass is definitely a virtue.

Ms M is convinced there's a future in refrigerator magnets.  I'm convinced her idea belongs under Practical Procrastination and she needs to be redesigning our logo.  But she's inspired so I'll give her another week.

Maybe next week there'll be pictures of refrigerator magnets posted here.  I'd check back, if I were you.


  1. I will. I'll check back. You captured procrastination perfectly in this post; I'll probably need the whole week to recover. :)

  2. Booda Baby: The important thing is take all the time you need until true inspiration curls your toes.
