Friday, January 21, 2011

Meeting of The Minions

Today Jotsalot Media held its first Friday Where are we? meeting.  I thought it would be a good idea to meet once a week over bagels and discuss where we are as a company.  You know, are we meeting deadlines? does anyone have any suggestions or grievances? that sort of thing.  The suggestions and grievances part was a strategic error on my part, but live and learn.  For example, creative people can be sensitive not me personally, except sometimes I feel like my underwear has handles for the World's wedgie-giving convenience, but some around the office are.  I thought they understood that me in my boxers was no different than Hef in his pajamas, but I guess not.

I think most of what goes on around here should be private so you'll have to wait until The Minions' tell-all book.  Here's the where we are part

The illustrating of Timpkins' Wisdom book took a leap forward this week when we found out there's a photography studio available for hourly rental.  That makes a number of ideas possible that were shelved due to space and lighting limitations plus it frees up layout/work space in the office.

Timpkins' first book should be off to the copyright office on schedule and the ISBN will be applied for at the same time.

We're still looking for someone to build our website and still considering hiring out some of the illustration work.

Hey, maybe that was the boring stuff.  Hmm. . .  You want to hear about Poppy's dirty little secret?  She's working on a blog.

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