Friday, January 28, 2011

Dreams: Taste Like Chicken?

I have a beer's worth of updating because I've done about a beer's worth of work at Jotsalot this week.

You know how they, parents mostly, tell you not to quit your day job but you do anyway and now live in their basement which is why they told you not quit your job in the first place?  That has nothing to do with me or Jotsalot or Timpkins and her fully functioning fax machine which has been sending me warm scrolls of editing all week.  What does concern me and The Minions is retirement.  It's been taking up a lot of my thinking lately leaving limited lobe capacity for editing, website building, illustrating and, oh yeah, WORK.  Why am I suddenly concerned about retirement?  I think it has something to do with stalking classmates on Facebook and seeing how secure they look with their houses, law partnerships and children.  My God they've even bred successfully!

And here I am weeks into a business wondering about it all.  I have complete resolution and confidence in the business, but sometimes I think I just need a little "like everyone else."

Okay, my beer is making that barely splashy sound when I shake it and thus ends another week at Jotsalot Media LLC.

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