Friday, September 30, 2011


I'm playing spin the bottle with my liver in a motel room.  It's not nearly as creepy as it sounds because I have a beautiful view and I can hear the neighbor's headboard banging the wall to keep me from feeling alone.  He, however, is and that qualifies as creepy.
Cantankerous  Mr Blogspot  randomly moves things around to make me angry.  I say good for him because I just discovered with the right cropping, and two beers, the reflection looks like a heinie.
The first pic of my triptych illustrating my need to see details and wholes. Now it's finding its path to where it wants to be.  Life works like that.

Looks a little like Paris.  Maybe they spent hours pondering the reflective qualities of Bennett Bay or maybe it was an accident that worked.  I peek out my window and wonder if they have good food.  Probably not.  A good walking distance restaurant is uphill there and downhill home and they are uphill home from me.


  1. Two beers is always good from the perspective of the two (or four or five) beer drinker.

    The pictures is so very very tiny from THIS perspective. :)

  2. They are sketchy wifi sized. There were words to go along with the pictures about perspective and focus and life following thoughts. Maybe today after Wallace, ID.

  3. That is some really calm water.

    It's not often you see heinie and tryptich (I had to look that one up) in a single blog post. Are you still doing each of these in 15 minutes? This would've taken me over an hour, even without tryptich.

  4. Cliff: I spent about an hour trying to get the pics where I wanted before surrendering and captioning them where they fell which naturally changed the captions and killed the rest of the post because I was pissed. Next week I plan to use groak and fubsy maybe in the same sentence.
