Friday, October 7, 2011

Artistic Compromise Corner

I believe most bloggers forget the importance of a well-conceived thesis statement to engage their readership.  Some, who shall go nameless, decorate piggish posts with randomly placed photographs and cutesy captions in the name of entertainment.  We here at Jotsalot know our readers expect something better.  We like to think of you as hummingbirds dipping tongues into blogdom's tastiest nectar until all hell breaks loose in the Idea Department and we lose our thread then we reference our title which functions as a thesis statement:  This blog is about artistic compromise.

Still hovering at an impressive 55 flaps per second?  Do you just know good reading is a tongue flick away?

You can read Braille with your tongue.  That's a fun fact I made up, but it's possible and no one will borrow your books.  It's like when you pick your nose and reach for the nachos but you really didn't pick your nose you just wanted all the nachos for yourself but there's always someone hungry enough or drunk enough to eat from the other side and ruin your plan.  Artistic compromise is the guy willing to risk a booger to get the nachos.

Was that graphic enough?  Okay, by now you're wondering why this is about us.  I know almost everyone who reads this blog except for the Malaysian contingent and the odd person from Russia who clicks on the XXX Post every day.  It's always the XXX Post and always from Russia.  I don't get it, but I admire their patience.  For giggles type XXX Post into a search engine.  Know what you find?  Someone clicking on millions of links before getting to Jotsalot Media LLC.  MILLIONS!  I wonder if they even bother to read it after all that.  You know how artistic compromise happens?  Trying to move up a few million spots by posting your boobs.

It's getting late and I know one of you is waiting to read this and go to bed.  Right Mother of Sam?

Oh all of us create in some way, that's why it's about us.  Whether you're writing, painting, animating, nannying, photographing, or under-tipping your waitress; you're creating something.  Every action and thought lasts forever so do you really want to throw together something like this paragraph?  I don't think so.

I went a full twenty tonight.  Here's looking at you, Cliff.  Groak.  Fubsy.


  1. I love it! This post reminded me of college because it mentioned thesis statements, nachos, boobs and under-tipping. Except college was more about gustatory compromise than artistic, so maybe the comparison doesn't really hold.

    Interesting label, too.

  2. Cliff: Thanks. I had a professor in college who insisted the first sentence be: This paper is about...and last no more than ten words. It's very focusing and the first draft of my blog usually begins: This blog is about. This blog reminded me of college too except for the nachos part because I went to school in Iowa, but the rest is the same.
