Friday, August 26, 2011

Limited Connectivity

You have the choice of writing or pics, but the free range organic Oregon coast wifi can't handle both. I had so many wonderful things to relate, but I just can't right now. For example I found a perfect spot for Mr B to perform his Brando Apocalypse Now impersonation. He does a mean Brando. Oh and I found six places to shoot At Home with the Gnomes today. This place just works for me.
Walk through the opening and you're standing in the roots of a huge tree. One of the cooler discoveries of the trip.

Shark! Shark! Nope a one-eyed sea lion hunting lunch.

Astoria's commercial fishing port and sailor loving groupies.

It looks crooked in real life too. I used the Crouchman Technique to hand hold a long exposure even though my tripod was fifty yards away.


  1. Ha Ha.. just because I am lazy...As I pack for Alaska I find myself looking at my tripod and thinking.. that is just going to take up valuable sock and fleece pants space...?! I can just lean on a rock....<3
    Also.. curious if there is any sort of smell associated with those sailor loving groupies? Do you get out of your car and go WHEW! and flashback to some random restroom at a concert? Where you just went anyway because you were too intoxicated to make any other decision?
    Have a great week Jots... I wait impatiently for you to post every Friday...<3

  2. Amy: They're smelly and loud but darn cute. Leave the tripod at home, they take up way too much space that could be used for gifts. Hint. Hint.

  3. So seriously, are you going to write anything soon? You promised Norma Timpkins'. At least an adventure story. Make one up.
