Friday, August 26, 2011

Limited Connectivity

You have the choice of writing or pics, but the free range organic Oregon coast wifi can't handle both. I had so many wonderful things to relate, but I just can't right now. For example I found a perfect spot for Mr B to perform his Brando Apocalypse Now impersonation. He does a mean Brando. Oh and I found six places to shoot At Home with the Gnomes today. This place just works for me.
Walk through the opening and you're standing in the roots of a huge tree. One of the cooler discoveries of the trip.

Shark! Shark! Nope a one-eyed sea lion hunting lunch.

Astoria's commercial fishing port and sailor loving groupies.

It looks crooked in real life too. I used the Crouchman Technique to hand hold a long exposure even though my tripod was fifty yards away.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Look Ma! No Thoughts!

Hi. Not a single thought and I can't think of a highlight to share.  The good news is I'm going to try again later or maybe tomorrow. I'll make something up if I have to.

Here's my brain fart of the day: I'm trying to communicate with the Spanish speaking maid, but lacking Spanish I go with the next logical choice--Lithuanian.

Last week I picked up garbage for the Seaside Chamber of Commerce. I'm not sure why, but the head of the Chamber felt compelled to point out to me "we don't usually get temps with your intellect."

I wandered off the highway looking for an old fashioned barber shop and ended up in the town where they filmed "Twilight." "Halloweentown" and a Foo Fighters video have also been filmed there. I got coiffed in the salon that was used as Petite Jolie in "Twilight."

Start notes here: MG haha you're a girl, but at least you don't have to read about it. Twilight. Mt Hood. Mt St Helens. Temp intellect. Standing up to corporate. Life path of mines. Garbage collecting. Haircut. The three scary words more or less. Clams like chicken. Gore stories of the Chamber of Commerce.

Friday, August 12, 2011


This is me with my thinking cap on.
Sometimes I think so hard my hair changes color.

You all asked to see the face behind the blog and, although I'd prefer to let The Minions be the official face of Jotsalot Media LLC, I'm obliging.  No feeling of sacrificing my privacy here, I gave that up years ago when I posed for Playgirl's Former Child Stars of the Big Ten issue. What can I say it was 1983 and I had abs and a visible jawline. Search for it online or rummage through my storage shed for the last remaining copy. My well-intentioned parents bought the others thinking it would kill my comeback which it couldn't because I had five bit parts in 1972 and I'm much more comfortable being naked in front of camera but I can't do porn because well, read my most recent personal ad
SWM seeks F. I'm height and weight proportionate if I were a penguin with a thyroid problem. I have a few phobias that won't affect our relationship unless you try to touch me. I'm really lots of fun except for the touching thing. Call me.
 What else is new? I'm really tired of living the life of a high-end transient. Here's a new word for you gaberlunzie. Now matter how you say it or spin it, I'm tired of wandering in circles. I need a place to work in peace and finally unpack after twelve years in storage.

I love the coast. I was born to live seaside.

Friday, August 5, 2011


I now have two P.O. boxes which, I think, triggers an investigation. Would you like the address in Missoula or Astoria? Neither?

If you really want to see Astoria all dressed up watch Kindergarten Cop. It's a beautiful place with a real downtown filled with small businesses and seagulls.

I'm really tired and going to bed. Maybe tomorrow I'll post pictures of our trips to Mt St Helens. You must visit it if you haven't already.
Boat entering downtown Astoria's harbor.
Mr B at Mt St Helens.  Tricky lighting.