Friday, June 3, 2011

Journey to the Beginning of Time

Do you remember Garfield Goose and Friends?  If you do you're probably maturish and from Chicago.  I don't why it came to me today, but if you remember Garfield Goose and Friends you'll remember a serial about four boys who get lost while rowing in Central Park (yes, the one in New York) and end up in the age of dinosaurs.  Anyway, something prodding my memory after forty-five years was worth at least five minutes of YouTubing.  There's a new verb for you and here's another one Clutch Cargoing (to creep people out using lips).  Okay, not a real productive use of time unless I ask, "What makes work last?"  Why has I Love Lucy been on for almost sixty years?  And how long have people been staring at the Mona Lisa?  Why?  Why?  Why?  If I can answer the why then I just need to answer the how to become immortal in a viral internety way.  Such are the questions I use to rationalize watching Brady Bunch reruns.

I spent the week trying to pay more attention to what's happening outside of my office/dungeon/domicile.  This involved a lot of news watching versus interacting, reading instead of writing and YouTubing.  Am I the last to hear of YouTube?  So, I poke my head out of wherever I keep it and this is what I see  I can't compete with this reality thing.  Be honest could you have imagined this?  Maybe this is what keeps I Love Lucy and the Brady Bunch on all these years.  They're thisclose to reality without ever crossing the boundary into absurd.

Alright, so maybe some of my ideas need a second pair of eyes on them.  And maybe The Minions are developing into flesh and bone characters that are a little too real to be healthy.  And I definitely need to get out more, but I'm not sure I can do reality.

You want fun.  You want to be entertained.  You want almost-kind-of-possible-reality, right?  Okay, because that's where we're headed.


  1. Good. I like to know my destination point. (Well, not really, but I thought I'd give that a shot.)

    Jeeeezus Christ. Sarah Palin is not only fathomlessly stupid, she's also REALLY stupid for not having that leeetle bitty humility that steps up and helps a person admit they've been talking through their ass. She was so desperate to make a Big Sweeping Point, she made no point at all. Even if people like her (and they do), how can they tolerate her make-it-all-uppedness? That's OUR territory, dammit. :)

  2. Booda Babs: Amen. I couldn't possibly have created something this ridiculous. You know what I'm working on and, had this been an idea, I would have tossed it as too implausible. No more reality for me.

  3. Palin shows her IQ is one, if by land, and two, if by sea. The very young Cindy Brady was better educated, even though she froze up on that TV quiz show. Sarah would've looked less ridiculous if she'd done the same.

    I don't know what you're working on, but whatever it is, I'm looking forward to it.

  4. yes. you ARE the last one to hear of youtube.

  5. Cliff: Nice, why didn't I think of that? I really felt sorry for Cindy. She was just a little girl and the light on the camera was so big.

    Melanie: Careful. I feel the urge to start posting videos.
