Friday, June 24, 2011

Meeting of The Minions II: Time to Lawyer Up

The beauty of rocketing towards poverty is it leaves Tuesdays free.  Not really free, Tuesday's I drive around looking for dead things in the ditch to take pictures of so technically I'm working. Yep, I gave up a lucrative career as a temp/day trader to shoot roadkill.  You know why I'm sharing this? I will dedicate my first book to any tipster who knows where there's a carcass with flowers growing out of it.  (Shhhh don't tell Cliff I'm ripping off his shot.)

Jotsalot Media LLC held its second weekly What-Are-We-Doing meeting, this year, to discuss what exactly it is we're doing.  And if you remember the last time we had a meeting, I made the mistake of asking The Minions what they thought.  Never ask tenured employees what they think.

The Two Rules for Building a Media EmpIre:
1) There is an I in EmpIre
2) Cater the semi-annual weekly meeting and ask questions only when The Minions are chewing 

This morning, The Minions did make some garbled, chin-wiping sense between bites mostly having to do with me.  It's always me like they don't have jobs around here.  I love The Minions, they're like facets of me, but they need to step up, grab the bull by the horns and put their noses to the grindstone.  Not to sound cliche, but they need to give themselves a life wedgie and focus.

Ms M mentioned us needing a lawyer.  But what kind?  Personal injury? Corporate? A shyster willing to bury money in a Swiss backyard?  Lawyers are good letterhead because they scare people.  Their breath smells like they've been licking peanut butter off a dog and they use Latin, but they keep the jackals away.  I agreed to prepare for thinking about a lawyer.

What else happened this week?  I found a one act I wrote in college and added rewriting it to my list of Things That Will Someday Make Me Feel Guilty But I'll Never Do.  And we're a week closer to the Promised Land.

Friday, June 17, 2011


I've reached the age when the only women attracted to me have expiring eggs and father issues.

And to be perfectly honest, dealing with that is taking up all my blog energy.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Fudging the Line Between Multi-Tasking and Polygamy

I never asked where babies came from, but one day a doctor came to school and told the girls in the morning and the boys in the afternoon.  I must not have paid attention because I don't have any and the topic of where babies don't come from wasn't covered in fourth grade health.

I don't have any babies to show from Jotsalot Media this week either.  Oh sure, there were the usual scratchings and plannings, but nothing really got done.  It's not that we weren't working, we just didn't actually finish anything-like the corporate laundry.  I washed it and put it in the dryer, but I lacked the attention span to move beyond damp and I have clammy socks to prove it.

Did you know people with ADD are natural multi-taskers?  It makes perfect sense if you think about it.  Eureka! we were multi-tasking and ran out of time.  That's what the week was about.  The good news is, within the next few days, lots will suddenly be finished.  Rationalization complete.

Next week I might try my hand at polygamy.

I went to shoot flood shots today for Timpkins' book.  The thing about Montana is there's always a person or electrical wire or something trying to be in every shot.  Today it was the sun invading and I couldn't get an exposure long enough to make the water move.  I slapped on a neutral density filter and a polarizer and still couldn't get any movement.  But you know what's fun about that?  I changed plans and shot video to sell to an animator I just happen to know.  AND the Genius Bolt zapped me with an idea for my stereoscopic camera.  AND I know where I'll be shooting tomorrow night.  Do so work around here.

Oh and a little tease for next week, I'll be posting Norma Timpkins' "Love Like a Litterbox."

Friday, June 3, 2011

Journey to the Beginning of Time

Do you remember Garfield Goose and Friends?  If you do you're probably maturish and from Chicago.  I don't why it came to me today, but if you remember Garfield Goose and Friends you'll remember a serial about four boys who get lost while rowing in Central Park (yes, the one in New York) and end up in the age of dinosaurs.  Anyway, something prodding my memory after forty-five years was worth at least five minutes of YouTubing.  There's a new verb for you and here's another one Clutch Cargoing (to creep people out using lips).  Okay, not a real productive use of time unless I ask, "What makes work last?"  Why has I Love Lucy been on for almost sixty years?  And how long have people been staring at the Mona Lisa?  Why?  Why?  Why?  If I can answer the why then I just need to answer the how to become immortal in a viral internety way.  Such are the questions I use to rationalize watching Brady Bunch reruns.

I spent the week trying to pay more attention to what's happening outside of my office/dungeon/domicile.  This involved a lot of news watching versus interacting, reading instead of writing and YouTubing.  Am I the last to hear of YouTube?  So, I poke my head out of wherever I keep it and this is what I see  I can't compete with this reality thing.  Be honest could you have imagined this?  Maybe this is what keeps I Love Lucy and the Brady Bunch on all these years.  They're thisclose to reality without ever crossing the boundary into absurd.

Alright, so maybe some of my ideas need a second pair of eyes on them.  And maybe The Minions are developing into flesh and bone characters that are a little too real to be healthy.  And I definitely need to get out more, but I'm not sure I can do reality.

You want fun.  You want to be entertained.  You want almost-kind-of-possible-reality, right?  Okay, because that's where we're headed.