Saturday, July 13, 2019


Sometimes I breathe on the mirror to make sure I'm alive. You'd think walking over there would do the trick, but I need to see the steam. I need to feel the effort. But being reassured I'm alive forces the bigger question: Why?

YouTube offers a multitude of time enhancing videos on why alive happens and what to do about it, but I couldn't find a one that gave me the why of my alive. However, I discovered a new way to possibly plot a course to Why.


Synchronicity or “meaningful coincidences” are “guideposts on the path to your true self and purpose.” Okay, started looking for coincidences with characteristics implying omens. Seems like a lot of wiggle room in the interpretation department, but I've been giving it a shot and, by gosh, if nothing else it's interesting. For the last few months, I've been looking for a suburban farmhouse with a huge barn on fifteen acres with a money no object attitude. Now I never discuss my plans with coworkers or outside my inner circle yet people have started asking me if I'm a secret millionaire. Could it be my ideal house and a pile of money are close to meeting in my life and strangers sense it? Two days ago, a couple kids I was volunteering with called me “Bernie.” Guess what project I've been working on? That's right, “Bernie.” Are these innocent coincidences or comforting signs? It would really be nice if they were signs of imminent successes. Just saying.

I'd been using the Carrot and Stick method. It works well as a gauge. When I work and pursue carrots good things happen, when I wander I get the stick and bad things happen. It's pretty simple and it might work for you. Me? I'm going with synchronicity if only because it makes me pay attention.

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