Saturday, December 15, 2018

Hope and Expectation

For the last two months I've felt like an electrified porcupine wanting a hug.  Usually, 'atta boy' or any other encouragement suffices, but this is different.  I need a real hug.  Touching?! Eww!  Not a fan of physical interaction most of the time.  Maybe it's the coming holidays which I plan to spend as alone as possible.

I don't know.  I need a hug, though.

Did you know a synonym for hope is expectation? Good to know, because I've been approaching hope all wrong.  I've been using hope as "it would be nice,and I would be happy, but I'm not counting on it" when really I should've been using it as "I expect this to happen because it's what I want to happen."  Substituting "expect" for "hope" creates a more active role for me in my life.  Coincidentally, taking an active interest in my life is next year's resolution.  I only have one carefully worded resolution for next year
I expect stability.

I have clearly defined ideas of what constitutes stability for me.  Now, I'll circle a few dates on my calendar, take some action and expect to have it all.

I like the idea of having it all.  I like it a lot.

Happy New Year to Everyone!

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