Saturday, March 17, 2018

When the Mirror Saw Itself

My mirror views the World as a reflection of its Self. In human psychological terms my mirror is a narcissist and, in my objective observation, a pathological liar. Sorry, I just needed to say that.

Instead of the usual self-indulgent blog selfie, I've decided to write a love letter to myself.

Dear John,

Great! barely started in the relationship and I dump myself. Hold on a second John is my real name. Okay, knowing the names of the people in the relationship is a good first step towards intimacy, right?


Dear John,
What can I say you haven't already heard? That slow and steady wins the race? Only if you're a snail and the competition is a steamroller. More likely that's how you earn a tough nickname like “Squish.” Better to be the steamroller. A stitch in time saves nine? Right after you look that up, you'll understand how it completely unravels the patience of a spider thing and pertains to you.
I guess what I'm trying to say is you approach our life like a snail believing he'll get really fast once the steamroller nips his tail. Nope, you need to get faster before. Now, would be an excellent time to start getting faster
Love, John

On the Planet Squint&Stretch the preceding makes odd sense, but sense. And so I'm bidding a not so fond adieu to where I stuck myself to a place I can work faster and more efficiently. Yep, sweet home Chicago-adjacent.


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