Friday, September 2, 2016

Herding Made Easy

Every stampede needs a visionary. A special someone to see the potential in wandering beasts and focus them into blind loyalty to me--The Future. While a direct descendant of The Past, and  carrier of its DNA, I feel no real need to plot the plops of the wandering herd. I need only know where they were so I step around them.

Okay, this is all about getting John, Norma Timpkins, and Poppy working towards a common goal. The key is not to dangle a salad bar in front of them, just the blue cheese crumbles.

Friday, August 19, 2016


Every journey begins with knowing where you're not.   .

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Travels with Indecisive

This weeked we are packing the offices of Jotsalot Media LLC for its final resting place.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Miracles in Manicures

We actually progressed this week. Real progress spurred by the fear today will be like yesterday. Some of these thoughts I inherited from the previous regime currently watching the World implode on CNN. We all know the World isn't imploding, it's seeking Patch and we're giving it to them.

You know what you've always wanted? a tee shirt. Check out our store we ever we get around to one.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Messes and Their Meaning

My name is Bernie and I took over Jotsalot Media in a bloodless coup. I'm not saying persuasion wasn't administered, but waking up to a pillow over your face hardly seems excessive.

You know what is excessive? A documentary titled "Grizzly Uprising", on Animal Planet, when all it is is a presentation of highly-communicative bears embracing people trying to play dead. If we were "mauling" you, we'd send you to a weekend seminar on feelings.

There were no hurt feelings in the coup.  He welcomed the relief to focus on getting his health headed in the right direction. Just a hunch, but when you keep getting hurt at work you're doing it on purpose. 

What changes at Jotsalot? More of a focus on me and Norma Timpkins. Chelsea has asked to be involved and I welcome her back. No other changes other than leaning on John to fix what's eating him and it isn't me.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Bernie Assumes Control

Handing all blogging responsibilites over to Bernie. Bernie will also be working closely with Norma Timpkins to bring her books to market.

I will be dealing with physical issues for a couple months.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Body Count

Right: three fingers and wrist
Left:  one finger and srist

Falling down ain't what it used to be.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Saturday the 14th

I'm switching to Saturdays. Fridays, after a week of frustration and hate, doesn't work. Not even close to working.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Packaged for your Convenience

Three days from now I land in Lisbon.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Mayonnaise All Over Again

Casual conversations about when was the last time you saw your neighbor rarely end well.  No matter how non-judgemental the police officer's expression, you just know what he's thinking.

I'm not.alone in blame. There are other neighbors, waitresses, family, and even himself. In fact, let me rationalize away the guilt and say it was mostly his fault.  He could have made friends, volunteered, or introduced himself, but he didn't. or couldn't.

He waited two weeks for someone to miss him enough to check on him.  In the end it was a full mailbox that lead to my conversation with the police.  It was from them, after two years of living next to him, that I learned his name.

Again, not really my fault.  I just kind of keep to myself after work, don't really talk to anyone, never have my phone on, which doesn't really matter since no one has the number.  Nothing I could have done differently would have saved him from his fate.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Never Again Vol. VII

Nooo, that's how it's supposed to smell.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Friday, March 18, 2016

The Mayonnaise Chronicles

The last time we met I was divining the dribbles on a ham and american cheese. The most amazing personal insight, which now eludes me, wanting to nourish my soul. Not recorded, noted,  or published yet,but I'm living and thinking differently. 

Oh well, the mayo worked.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Sweetie Face Happens

Epiphanies are like toes they're always there, but you don't see them until you take off your socks, I took notice of my toes last week while squirting mayonnaise on a gas station sandwich. It's kind of personal, which is to say I'd like to say it just right, and tonight just isn't going to do it

Friday, February 19, 2016

Little Scraps of Attention

Last month, dimes wanted me to find them. Everywhere I went I picked up a dime. A sign I'm guessing. This month it's little scraps of paper in suitcases, jackets. backpacks, and bulletin boards all wanting to be found and every piece with a note needing to be read right then.

Some of the scraps were in folders neatly labeled "Once," "Ever," and the biggest scrapper, by my side for almost twenty years--all swirling around for my attention. "Here! Now!" they tug. I excitedly read and remember them, plot and imagine them. . .

I haven't been very happy lately, blamed on my annual bout of SAD, but now I think it's ideas having mid-life crises wondering what will ever become of them. Will I ever be a movie? A book? A phenomenon? I'm having a mid-life crisis of my own. Will I ever get a dog? Find the stability to create and finish? Remember everyone in my Nobel speech? I really believe I will and that's what  keeps me going until the big announcement in the form of a picture or possibly a link.

Two weeks seems about right to fix every little thing.

Friday, February 5, 2016


Stability is not "limited or no connectivity." Stability is a long walk iwth a friend. At this moment, battling the worst case of SAD ever, stability feels like trying to spot the fart in a tornado.

Tomorrow, the sun shines and maybe me.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Deja Vu on the Flipside

Seems like only yesterday I was pepper spraying the minions into submission. Technically it was yesterday, and over a doughnut, but there were real tears when I claimed it for myself. I am the boss and I do most of the work so I deserve most of the doughnuts.

What have we been up to at Jotsalot Media? Survival with dreams of transcendence. Not entirely, but there's been tons of slaving at soul crushing jobs with lunchtime promises of sucking it up and being creative, no matter what, when I got home,. Never worked. Hateful stares from Bernie and Poppy produced only guilt. Norma Timpkins decided to die and will me boxes of writing to sort. Inheriting creativity is good work if you can get it.

What's ahead?  Vices & Virtues will being coming out this September as an eBook. Travels with Bernie will be publishing as a real book in May.  Are you ready for me on YouTube?  I'll let you know the channel in two weeks.

Thanks for checking in Amy.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Strategic Error

Wow! Going to bed early and clearheaded, on New Year's Eve, saved brain cells only so they could cluster and attack. What could I have been thinking? I decided to post on the first and third Friday, of every month, without realizing today was the first Friday of the month.

Every first and third Friday back to what these posts used to be and were meant to be.