Friday, July 31, 2015

Deleting for Destiny

Buying time until 100 and until my room is below 100 and the prickly heat stops itching and the high pitched whine quiets.

Friday, July 24, 2015

The DNA of the Universe

Everyone knows I can't type, right? My biggest obstacles to creation are typing and drawing. I tried bypassing drawing with photography, but I need to learn to draw. I waste so much time trying to build an idea just to take a picure of it. The good news is I love drawing and it's really cheap.

Quiz: Which state is east and west of the Missisippi River?

Okay, two single cell ideas meet immediately.double then double again again again again again again again until another idea is born. Meanwhile across the street,or Universe, another pair of ideas meet then double again again again again again again again until another idea is born..  These new ideas meet and.want me to debut them and continue the cycle. No type and no draw.

Moving to Wisconsin where I belong.

Friday, July 17, 2015


Well, this just changes everything. I had no idea it was coming, but I guess that's why they call it SPLAT! Not bad SPLAT! just "I guess this it SPLAT!"

Friday, July 10, 2015

A Brief History of Bernie

"I was born blind and brown in a den outside Patch. My mother slept through my birth as was the custom at the time."

Those two sentences are my life until I die. I believe in Bernie and the stories he needs to tell. I also believe in Patch, a new idea uniting random directions.

I'm happy, except record heat and no air conditioning limits laptop time to minutes. The good news? I write, draw, and think without it.  Even the keys are hot now.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

A Fly Embracing the Web

Judging by the bug mummies, the spiders under my desk lived a pretty good life before Big Suck. . .

"Yum free range dust mite, so much better than caged."

" They fed on organic dust bunnies; each bite tastes like freedom of choice in the food chain."

"Are you doing something different with your hair?"





"I always knew Heaven was a dust bunny ranch and you'd be here."

"Could be brighter, though."

"Needs a lounge filled with bar flies at last call."

Making room under my desk for me feet is a start.