Friday, September 30, 2011


I'm playing spin the bottle with my liver in a motel room.  It's not nearly as creepy as it sounds because I have a beautiful view and I can hear the neighbor's headboard banging the wall to keep me from feeling alone.  He, however, is and that qualifies as creepy.
Cantankerous  Mr Blogspot  randomly moves things around to make me angry.  I say good for him because I just discovered with the right cropping, and two beers, the reflection looks like a heinie.
The first pic of my triptych illustrating my need to see details and wholes. Now it's finding its path to where it wants to be.  Life works like that.

Looks a little like Paris.  Maybe they spent hours pondering the reflective qualities of Bennett Bay or maybe it was an accident that worked.  I peek out my window and wonder if they have good food.  Probably not.  A good walking distance restaurant is uphill there and downhill home and they are uphill home from me.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Just One of the Guys

Head East Young Man.
IT started out fun enough.  Wander around noting the the local flora and fauna, interact with a few locals, maybe find a reasonably priced ocean view. . .  Somewhere between "No just us guys. We'll leave the wives at home, sit around the fire smoking and talking sports. It'll be a lark" and "They put us on stamps!" Lewis and Clark got whiny. The boys emotionally scarred innocent places with I-wanna-go-home names like Cape Disappointment and Dismal Notch. Both beautiful places if you dress appropriately and think to bring Scrabble for rainy days which they didn't because they were trying to prove to their wives that real men only need the thoughts of other men to be entertained. For the record, most men's thoughts aren't all that entertaining which is why we have thousands of names for a woman's happy place including "happy place" but only one word for philosophy.

I had a job interview today and accepted the job and I think everyone on Team Jotsalot will benefit, except for Prudence who will be carrying a heavy load in the future. I'll bauble her with new tires and oil changes, maybe put a little something special in her tank, she'll be happy.

In other Jotsalot news I cracked myself up the other day. That's always good. I almost never make myself laugh.  In two weeks, I'll be making other people laugh for money.  In six weeks, Jotsalot will be unleashed in a more powerful form.

Friday, September 2, 2011

It Gets in Your Shoes

All the world is a litter box and we're merely temps in it.

I've spent the last two weeks working on the beach.  One week setting up and taking down ninety-one volleyball courts and the next week putting up and taking down seventy-two catering tents.  All that grunting, groaning, cramping and sand reminded me of my childhood dream of joining the French Foreign Legion.  It would have sucked, except for the hat, because once you have a boot full of sand there's no way to empty it in the middle of the desert, but I was a kid and didn't think it through.  A slight groin pull reminded me I went to college and I needed more cerebral work.  So. . .

I applied for a job proofreading porn sites.  I'm not sure what that means but you work from home.  I hope it's only counting fingers and toes because me looking at naked women all day would be like beaming Food Network into an Ethiopian refugee camp.  That analogy needs shortening it's like the spawn of War and Peace and Remembrance of Things Past, but I'll leave that to you.  I'll leave reading those two beauties to you too.

I'm just off.  I used to have timing and such, but I must have left it on the beach.

My motel neighbor hung a Warning! Guard Dog on her door instead of  Do Not Disturb.  Honest to G-d.

Have I mentioned I thought I was afraid of heights?  Turns out I'm really afraid of gravity.

Next week I'm only writing and shooting sunsets.  Expect to see sunsets.

I Can't Let Go

Remember this from The Goonies?
You know why it's crooked and there's a rail in it? My legs refused to walk to the rail and I got dizzy looking through the viewfinder. This is Astoria, Columbia River, Youngs River and Pacific in one pic.