Saturday, October 12, 2019

Guilt is a Sucking Feeling

In the last month, I've figured out a lot about life. Mostly, how to get the things I really want, however now that I understand the process I feel guilty when I don't invest every energy into making it work.

I anticipated super results, and I'm okay with super results, but the guilt was a surprise.

Guilt is taking your mother on your honeymoon so she won't feel left out. Guilt is taking a warm mud bath in quicksand. Guilt is the octopus you keep in your underwear because otherwise those silk boxers are too darned comfortable, or. . .

Maybe guilt is the stick to happiness' carrot?

If it is then there can be no joy in the process or the result. “I understand the process part, but why the result?” said ThisIsYou talking. Because instead of admiring your achievement, you'll only be glad it's over. You were going to figure that out, but I wanted you to ponder something much darker which is: I have a job counting houses. Yep, envy me.

I have a job, and that's a good thing, but I now view every house counted, every second explaining why I count houses, to be wasted life. I feel guilty for not applying my new found knowledge to achieving my dreams, but I'd feel guilty for not working, too.

Maybe, I'm transitioning from necessity to only doing what I love?  Applying my new found knowledge, I'll give the transition two more weeks and then I'll only make money doing what I love.

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