Saturday, October 26, 2019

It's a Gift

Writer's Note: Between battling bouts of leprosy and melancholia, I wrote notes for what was to be today's blog. The notes worked better than the mishmoshing I titled “10262019blog.”

Dream is not a bad word. Dream is not a word reserved for the naive. Dream is the first word to happiness. Dream is the seed of innovation. Dream is why you can't sleep. Dream is breath. Dream is a parachute when life crashes. Dream is why you are here.

Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambition. Mark Twain

Dream killers, life suckers, disastrous distractions in the form of friendly advice. Never listen to advice from someone who doesn't have to live with the outcome. Best intentions is failure. Toxic people, no matter who, are not acknowledged in my life. They hate you because they are afraid. Be selective with whom you share.

I'd hate to die without ever having done what I was born to do. What if the only thing you've ever wanted to do scares your parents? your teachers? What if the thing you were born to do is so far out of their experience they smirk because they can't comprehend?   Find a role model on the internet, preferably a successful one.

Live for “why” not “how.” Know what your dream is and why it must happen, not how it must happen. Work towards it every day every day every day every day. Know your gift and give it every day.

Be thankful.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Guilt is a Sucking Feeling

In the last month, I've figured out a lot about life. Mostly, how to get the things I really want, however now that I understand the process I feel guilty when I don't invest every energy into making it work.

I anticipated super results, and I'm okay with super results, but the guilt was a surprise.

Guilt is taking your mother on your honeymoon so she won't feel left out. Guilt is taking a warm mud bath in quicksand. Guilt is the octopus you keep in your underwear because otherwise those silk boxers are too darned comfortable, or. . .

Maybe guilt is the stick to happiness' carrot?

If it is then there can be no joy in the process or the result. “I understand the process part, but why the result?” said ThisIsYou talking. Because instead of admiring your achievement, you'll only be glad it's over. You were going to figure that out, but I wanted you to ponder something much darker which is: I have a job counting houses. Yep, envy me.

I have a job, and that's a good thing, but I now view every house counted, every second explaining why I count houses, to be wasted life. I feel guilty for not applying my new found knowledge to achieving my dreams, but I'd feel guilty for not working, too.

Maybe, I'm transitioning from necessity to only doing what I love?  Applying my new found knowledge, I'll give the transition two more weeks and then I'll only make money doing what I love.