Friday, May 15, 2015

I Cared. Atlas Shrugged.

Much like Anais Nin I will be rewriting past entries until I look good.  Looking good for first impressions is important; cosmetic surgery says you're in until the collagen leaks.

Lots of things to rework, life among them.

Life loves when you discard mistakes and nurture what needs to be. Have I ever mentioned my carrot and stick theory?  I came up with it while I was sleeping in my car one night.  Distilled to its simplest you get get the stick until you chase the carrot  If your butt's getting beat chase what makes you happy.  Being happy is your job and you're rewarded for doing it well

Understanding all the words doesn't mean I trust  the idea. I should, though.  Everything slides into pockets when I chase happy.

I didn't get a paycheck today from the job eating my brain.  I'm not bitter because I see the carrot and it looks a lot like going home.

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