Friday, May 29, 2015

Dancing Details

Okaying yourself with Plan B is quitting in advance. It's like planning a bitter divorce before the first date. It's like taking a hat to a haircut. It's like asking your sister to the prom because you're afraid your cousin will turn you down.

It's saying, "I'm not good enough.".

Why fear what you want unless you're engaged to the Wedding Night Strangler? It's all good and it's all easy.

Even this would be if I'd let it. Used to be I'd come up with a title, set the egg timer to fifteen minutes, and post. Now, it takes fifteen minutes to find the right music. Lately Alice Cooper makes me happy.

You know what would make this easier? Pulling the trigger and just making stuff. A couple months under a bridge rallying the Muses and the next thing you know. . .

Bernie. Lots of action on the Bernie front. With so many tales, for so many people, finding the right way to tell his story was a challenge. So he needs books  for different ages. Once wants to speak. Norma Timpkins publishes before she passes or haunts.

Friday, May 22, 2015


I     h     a     t     e     m     o     t     e     l     w     i     f     i.

Friday, May 15, 2015

I Cared. Atlas Shrugged.

Much like Anais Nin I will be rewriting past entries until I look good.  Looking good for first impressions is important; cosmetic surgery says you're in until the collagen leaks.

Lots of things to rework, life among them.

Life loves when you discard mistakes and nurture what needs to be. Have I ever mentioned my carrot and stick theory?  I came up with it while I was sleeping in my car one night.  Distilled to its simplest you get get the stick until you chase the carrot  If your butt's getting beat chase what makes you happy.  Being happy is your job and you're rewarded for doing it well

Understanding all the words doesn't mean I trust  the idea. I should, though.  Everything slides into pockets when I chase happy.

I didn't get a paycheck today from the job eating my brain.  I'm not bitter because I see the carrot and it looks a lot like going home.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Dream Vacation

My dreams are on vacation.  I get it;  Dreams need to grow and evolve without constant bother to become themselves, but to just take off without me?  You'd think they'd have invited me along just to pick up the tab.

My dreams are very fond of tabs  They run'em up and hand me the bill; I wouldn't mind except they never pay me back. Maybe I've been raising bad dreams? No, there are no bad dreams just dreams that need someone else to keep them in line.

My newest baby, to bring into the world, feels like it will hang around to take care of me in my old age..

Friday, May 1, 2015