Friday, March 27, 2015

Closed for Remodeling

Sorry, but we're closed for remodeling this week. Still fulfilling my resolution by squintiest of measures.

Friday, March 20, 2015

The Logic of Earthworms

It all made sense just minutes ago. And now, with the help of several long naps, it all makes sense again.

Did you know earthworms are both male and female completely eliminating the need for bars and commitment?  Never been bar friendly so I'm okay with that, but I am a huge fan of commitment.

Committing gives me goosebumps. Bad ideas, bad people, bad places and my toes curl like my brother-in-law's fingers around a dollar-I just can't let go. I know when it's time to gnaw off my leg and move on, but I just don't do it. And so, the wrong things linger.

Right now, I change.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Embracing Gravity

I'm a thinker not a leaper which means I spend a lot of time staring into water wondering if it's deep; useful if you're not a swimmer or really tall, but I'm neither so more like putting a tiara on fear and calling it a princess.

I believe I just used a semicolon correctly. I've always had a fear of semicolons and talking to myself in diners. I do talk to myself a lot, but mostly because standing in the wrong crowd has made me an island surrounded cannibalistic sharks. Fun fact: Sharks eat more thoughts than people.

Did you know most of my writing fears revolve around punctuation and typing? And copy editors. Copy editors are sharks who can't swim which, I believe, makes them dead.

Somehow this is leading me somewhere.

Oh yeah, my quote in my senior yearbook, "Don't cross the river if  you can't swim the tide." It should have been, "You land every time you leap."

Friday, March 6, 2015

Blowing Candles

Nope, just officially making it a birthday weekend. Happy birthday to tomorrow me.