Friday, February 13, 2015

Heart Like an Anvil

I wear my heart like a target same as  everyone else. I shave parts of me into crop circles just like everyone else (or like anyone willing to date interstellar, and I'm so open to off planet dating). I feign interest in car parts just like everyone else and I find only hammers. Clumsy hammers.

I'm not asking for a castle and private bathroom; I'm looking for someone who can hammer a nail without hitting their thumb. Make that what you want but I was going for nonsexual metaphor meaning someone who knows what they want. I'm looking for someone who isn't looking to hit what won't hit them back--like an anvil.  Again, I mean that metaphorically. For the record, love isn't an anvil it's quicksand that will suck in if you even poke at it with a toe.

Where is this all going? I have no idea.

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