Last week my morning pages evolved into
compiling a list of all the things in my life I have control over
The definition of control being whether I could say yes or no and
make it stick. Yesses made the good pile and noes were removed from
my thoughts. Surprising how many decisions ended up in the yes pile.
Lots of little ones like eating, exercising, shutting off the TV that affect the body, but big ones like who to spend time with,
too. The most important is being able to choose my thoughts.
Here's a fun fact: I have complete
control over who and what I think about.
Can I make that a truth? It's as true
as I choose to make it.
Negative people only exist because I
let them. Every time I let them in they steal my happiness and time
I can't get back There's no good reason to let them do this no
matter what leverage they have. I now repeat with conviction,
“You're not worth knowing” then remove them from my life.
You know how much more you'll do by
only focusing energy on what you have control over? Choosing to do
the good things that benefit you? Here's another area I put in the
remove pile, worrying about other people's lives. It's one thing to
care and an entirely different thing to start trying to think for
Freeing myself of all the negatives and
people who refuse to think should give me. . .me.
Yeah, I'm all over the place with the
“you” and “mes”.