Saturday, March 23, 2019

Amy's Glacier

Glaciers are all about persistence and patience. Lacking the quick reflexes and pouncing skills of slugs, glaciers rely on complacency to trap their prey. Out of the corner of its eye a mountain sees a glacier coming, watches it for maybe a few thousand years, then the second it turns its back WHAM! turned into a valley.

Glaciers are a lot like life that way. You watch, plot, and dream for awhile then just when you think everything is under control WHAM! your dreams are smeared like cream cheese on a bagel. What happened?! I only turned my back for a second! Probably, it was more like a few years and a few more years after that to accept responsibility, and all the while time ground on. Do you know I didn't even see it coming? The horrible realization I wasn't where I was supposed to be, I mean.

Truth is all about timing. It kind of hangs around in the background, knowing WHAM! will come, whether you like it or not.

Okay, somehow the Glacier/Truth/Time continuum is unraveling before my very thoughts (mostly I'm thinking lunch) and I'm going to zigzag like a slug now.

Things are actually progressing inside and out right now. Inside, ideas have taken on prioritizing themselves lest they get time smeared. I like it when plans tire of me and force their own birth. Outside, the sun is coming out and I can work out Winter's kinks in time for swimsuit season.

And if you want to know where all this came from, read the title.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

A Long Line to Draw a Conclusion

Men and melons are hard to know. -Benjamin Franklin

It is a little known fact that Benjamin Franklin is my imaginary friend. We talk about a lot of things, but he has never explained this particular quote to me. It would make sense if it concluded with “unless you thump them.” But standing alone all it offers is something to ponder in the produce section.

You know what else is fun to think about while shopping? Yourself. It turns out I'm full of self surprises. I  didn't know I love to draw and love it more after every drawn journal entry. Pretty cool because the drawings crave stories and I have stories needing illustration. You regular readers will point out I've been talking about this for years but, you see, that's all I was doing. I liked talking about it because it sounded cool, but I never really did anything about it. Now, it seems my subconscious was working on it all along. I discovered this at Taco Bell this morning not the supermarket. Not the biggest epiphany of the week, but I'm happy with it.

No, the biggest AHA was realizing I had no fear of public speaking, but lots of fear talking one-on-one. You know when I learned this? Right after explaining to the lunchroom the need to wash their hands (I was paid to do this) and being cornered afterwards by a fink wanting to name names. Maybe it was her insistence that scared me, but I really wanted the obscurity of a crowd.

No, I don't have any point.