Friday, November 11, 2011

Crisis of Character

A weekly update followed by a void.

I rewrote Time Upon a Once three times this week and wrote forty-three new Onces that I'll be making the final decisions on next week.  I'm reluctant to post my best work lest it be stolen.  I copyright everything through Creative Commons and the Poor Man's Copyright.  The Poor Man's Copyright is mailing your material to yourself via certified mail.  The educated postal workers in CdA know immediately what I'm doing and help as much as they can.  Seriously, yesterday the clerk noticed I was mailing a letter to myself and immediately taped the edges and stamped every open space.  I adore my new posties.  Oh, and she didn't even mail it just made me fill out all the forms and show her my ID before sending me home with it.

As for the introduction of the new idea, I'm just plain paranoid.  It's a cool idea and the librarians are all very excited to put it on the shelf.  The central character experienced an identity crisis this afternoon and changed everything about her life.  She's okay now, but I have no rough draft to post.

And since I thanked the Coeur D'Alene posties for being helpful, I need to thank the librarians in CdA.  Always helpful with questions and suggestions but, most importantly, they let me sit with all the other children and read books.  Once they even loaned me one of their big people chairs from behind the counter so I wouldn't poke out my eyes with my knees.  Thank you librarians of CdA.

Oh, and for a weekly motel update the people in the Ocean Room are boisterous as the waves crest and the couple in the Montana Room started a fire.  They used the fireplace but not the flue.